Coaching  is about finding your missing jigsaw piece, building on your strengths, tackling your weaknesses, holding up a mirror of reflection on your behaviours and choices to allow you to break unhelpful habits and realise your potential.

This is done by asking questions that challenge and allow you to link up new thoughts and feelings that you may have previously been unaware of.

Coaching is not about giving advice but instead about providing space and time to allow your awareness of behaviours to magnify in order for change to take place. Coaching is always driven by the client's needs and can be particularly useful for those at a senior level for whom time pressures are common place.

'Coaching is unlocking people's potential to maximize their own performance'
John Whitmore, Coaching for Performance

How can coaching help you and your organisation?

Modern life can be tough and like with many other aspects of life, succeeding in work has a lot to do with who you are and how you deal with situations. It's not just about hitting targets and working through a 'to do' list, it's about personality, relationships, motivation, creating the right culture and dare I say it, enjoyment!

With pressure on time and results sometimes we can't see the wood for the trees - we can't understand why we are not moving forward in our thinking, why we haven't  got that promotion, why our teams seem unmotivated or why we keep repeating behaviours that we just can't shake. This is where a coach could be invaluable.

Some of the areas that Susie may be asked to work with a client on:

Enhancing personal impact, style, performance and gravitas at work
Preparation for role/career changes at a senior level
Managing stress, change, conflict or crisis 
Tackling lack of confidence head on

In addressing these personal areas the organisation should benefit from:

Greater commitment from staff
Retention of key people who feel valued
More creative outlook in business planning and approach
Improved management of other staff

Find out what Susie's clients think about her.